Monday, February 27, 2023



Ran Maru’s comic run would mostly follow the plot of the original game, though with a few new characters and subplots. One of the most prominent of these new characters was a young boy who would act as a guide to help Link find the eight pieces of the triforce.

This boy is Biri, or maybe Billy, who would be Link’s companion for most of the comic, ultimately leading the people to storm Ganon’s lair in the climax. He would then appear in the manga for the sequel game, having gotten a promotion as the head of Zelda’s royal guard.

As a fighter, Biri will be small and fast, not too strong but putting a lot of effort into it. His moveset will pull from all of his own displayed moves, a few moves specifically representing this manga run as a whole, and moves used by the villagers he leads.

Likelihood rating: Non-game.

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