Monday, December 26, 2022



Today, let's begin our character cards. Once again, these are how the characters might be presented on a website for the game, with a stage connected to them in the background. They will be in exact order of appearance as well as I can manage it.

The Legend of Zelda series began in 1984 as an idea by Shigeru Miyamoto for a game that rewarded you for simple exploration. The game then came to life by pulling from traditional medieval fantasy stories and settings, casting you as a young elven boy tasked with rescuing a princess from an evil warlord.

This young boy was Link, the player’s “link” into the game and the destined hero of Hyrule. Link would go on to become one of the most recognizable faces in all of gaming, seeing many different forms and being reborn again and again into new stories with their own line of continuity, but would time and time again prove himself a certified bad*ss.

In game, Link is a core swordsman at heart. He is quick and nimble, but weighed down some by his equipment, with good defense thanks to his iconic Hylian shield. Though he will have wielded numerous different weapons over his tenure, most of his moveset will pull from the core basics: his sword, his shield, his boomerang, his bow and arrows, his bombs, and his hookshot.

Likelihood rating: Already in

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