Saturday, December 3, 2022

Character Sheet: Gonza


Alright, so we did have one more semi-big character list in us. Let's get into it! This is all characters I could pull out originating from the Legend of Zelda manga, or were given just enough of a boost by the manga to make it into our rankings. They are:

1. Maple

2. Jolene

3. Ricky

4. Captain Stalfos

5. Manga Link

6. Riruto

7. Manga Zelda

8. Raska

9. Tou

10. Ghanti

11. Gonza

12. Kala

13. Captain Arjuna

14. Sir Raven

15. Biri

16. Com

17. Gump

18. Shemlon

19. Rouro

20. Ganon's Minion

21. Ganon's Heart

22. Ganos

23. Haggis

So, anyway, today's character is definitely not Yamcha. He is simply a thief who lives in the desert, who encounters our hero when he tries to steal their legendary artifact from them, only to befriend them and become their traveling companion. He also just happens to have a spiky hairdo, a scar on his face, and a maybe-romance with the team's female traveling companion. But he's definitely not Yamcha.

Either way, Yamcha uses a sword, throwing daggers, and bombs to fight with, can dash really fast to steal things, and tries to kill our hero at one point with a large rock. Wait, that was Krillin's move! It's not much, but it's more than enough for our purposes here today.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Throwing Dagger

He will throw out his daggers as projectiles, doing a bit of damage when they hit.

Side B: Sword Dash

He will dash really fast forward and slash with his sword in a hard-hitting strike.

Up B: Dash Away

He will dash upward with a flip to get away, much as he does with Riruto early on.

Down B: Bombs

He will pull out a set of bombs and throw them forward, all of them falling in different spots and going off when they land.

Final Smash: Giant Rock

He will lift up a large rock over his head and smash it down on top of his opponent, sending them flying.

Entrance: He will dash in, pocket something, and then dash to another spot.

Taunts: Up, he will jump around and cheer happily. Side, he will admire the master sword and stow it in his back. Down, he will put his hands behind his head and smirk.

Thanks for reading! Next up, the second companion Riruto picks up.

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