Tuesday, December 27, 2022



Another common foe frequently seen in the overworld might take you by surprise. Here and there you will approach what looks like an ordinary statue, only for it to come to life and start tromping after you.

These are the Armos, the most prominent of several enemy types built around the concept of an inanimate object brought to life, such as their laser-blasting relative, the Beamos. Although rarely a major part of the series, no Zelda game would ever really feel complete without them.

More or less our Thwomp of this roster, Armos will be big and heavy and slow, with somewhat limited mobility. Their abilities will pull from across the series, including the abilities demonstrated by Armos themselves as well as those like them, such as Beamos and the statues controlled by the dominion rod.

Likelihood rating: Probably not.

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