Friday, December 2, 2022

Character Sheet: Ghanti


Alright, so we did have one more semi-big character list in us. Let's get into it! This is all characters I could pull out originating from the Legend of Zelda manga, or were given just enough of a boost by the manga to make it into our rankings. They are:

1. Maple

2. Jolene

3. Ricky

4. Captain Stalfos

5. Manga Link

6. Riruto

7. Manga Zelda

8. Raska

9. Tou

10. Ghanti

11. Gonza

12. Kala

13. Captain Arjuna

14. Sir Raven

15. Biri

16. Com

17. Gump

18. Shemlon

19. Rouro

20. Ganon's Minion

21. Ganon's Heart

22. Ganos

23. Haggis

And now, for my favorite original character from outside the Zelda games, we have Ghanti from Himekawa's A Link to the Past. While I at first thought she was the original, upon looking at the dates of publication, it is clear that she is very much based on Roam from Ishinomori's comic run, being a rival of sorts to the hero destined to wield the silver arrow who turns into an animal when in the Dark World. Some changes, obviously, we have a gender swap, she is now a thief who it later turns out was the daughter of a pair of knights murdered by the man she believed her father, and she does not die in the end.

As a fighter, she makes use of a sword and dagger in her style, and of course wields the silver arrows in the final battle. She is also healed by an apple given to her by Link (who has a whole life goal surrounding an apple orchard in this version, don't worry about it), and she can transform into a wolf when in the Dark World because her heart is impure. She is also manipulated by Ganon using her feelings for Link and transformed into a monster for a short time, but does end up saved.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Dagger

She will use her dagger to perform a series of quick stabs at her opponents, racking up damage.

Side B: Wolf

She will transform into her wolf form and lunge at her opponent, grabbing them in her big teeth.

Up B: Quick Getaway

She will strike a pose then leap away in a lightning flash, much as she does when she first robs Link on the road.

Down B: Apple

Considering how much of a role it plays in the story itself, it only makes sense for Ghanti to be able to heal herself with an apple from her beloved.

Final Smash: Silver Arrow

I guess the monster transformation could work too, but I'd rather she be at her best self than her worst self. She will draw back the silver arrow and fire it, instant-KOing anyone it hits.

Entrance: She will drop down out of nowhere in a pose.

Taunts: Up, she will smirk and twirl her dagger arrogantly. Side, she will cross her arms and put on a "tsundere" look. Down, she will turn into a wolf and howl.

Thanks for reading! Next up, Riruto's companions from Oath of Riruto!

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