Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Character Sheet: Ganon's Minion


Alright, so we did have one more semi-big character list in us. Let's get into it! This is all characters I could pull out originating from the Legend of Zelda manga, or were given just enough of a boost by the manga to make it into our rankings. They are:

1. Maple

2. Jolene

3. Ricky

4. Captain Stalfos

5. Manga Link

6. Riruto

7. Manga Zelda

8. Raska

9. Tou

10. Ghanti

11. Gonza

12. Kala

13. Captain Arjuna

14. Sir Raven

15. Biri

16. Com

17. Gump

18. Shemlon

19. Rouro

20. Ganon's Minion

21. Ganon's Heart

22. Ganos

23. Haggis

Okay, so this one's . . . a little bit weird too. So, in the Ran Maru adaptation, Ganon was defeated in the first comic. Naturally, following the first game. Then the second game had a bunch of Ganon's followers who were trying to resurrect him. The manga gave them a leader in the form of this mysterious masked man. Then, in short order, we come to learn that he was the magician that cursed the sleeping Zelda from said game. Then, we also learn that he is Ganon before he became Ganon and is doomed to become him. Wibbly wobbly timey-wimey stuff. And then Ganon kills him so that he can be reborn . . . I don't . . . it's . . . weird, but kinda cool at the same time.

In the manga, Ganon's Minion can teleport and disappear, whip up a storm, shock and burn and fire off magic blasts, fly, and shapeshift. There's also a notably gruesome scene where Ganon's hand bursts from his chest and grabs at our heroes. All plenty of good stuff to work with. And I suppose I should add in that sleeping spell too. Seems marginally important to the plot.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Magic Blast

He will fire off a powerful blast of magic from his hands, launching enemies that it hits.

Side B: Ganon's Hand

Ganon's skeletal hand will burst from his chest, grabbing at any players in front of him and tossing them away.

Up B: Flight

He will spread his cloak and levitate into the air on dark magic.

Down B: Sleeping Curse

He will cast a sleeping curse that will put any player it hits to sleep for an extended period of time.

Final Smash: Ganon's Rebirth

An altar will appear before him and he will chant, making his sacrifice to Ganon as the dark lord bursts from his body and spreads damaging dark magic everywhere.

Entrance: He will be chanting at his altar.

Taunts: Up, he will fix his mask to make sure it's in place. Side, he will wave his hands over his altar and chant for a moment. Down, he will bow his head and kneel in reverence.

Thanks for reading! Next up, a combination of Dark Link and Ganon from that one really weird comic.

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