Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Great Fairy


With all these enemies running around, the player might find themselves quickly running low on health. Luckily for them, they might come across a pond with a few sparkling fairies buzzing around it and a beautiful, mysterious figure waiting inside to bless the approaching hero.

This figure is the Great Fairy, a recurring trope of the Legend of Zelda. They would take many forms, from more or less an abstract figure in games such as Wind Waker to a gigantic voluptuous woman who takes great pleasure in toying with Link for her own amusement in games like Ocarina of Time.

In game, she will be large and floaty, with a lot of magical power behind her various attacks. Her color swaps will take her through her various forms, and her moveset will pull from the healing blessings and other magical gifts she bestows on Link, with a little from her Hyrule Warriors moveset.

Likelihood rating: Could happen.

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