Tuesday, December 27, 2022



In the rougher, more wild regions of the Overworld, traversing the foothills and cliffsides of Death Mountain, Link might come across a race of centaur-like creatures a bit tougher than the average enemy.

These are the Lynels. Though they wouldn’t see too much change over the years and find life more or less exclusively in the top-down games, Breath of the Wild would take their concept and crank them up to eleven, turning them from tough but still basic enemy types to God-tier berserkers hellbent on destroying everything in their path and giving more than a few players immediate heart attacks the moment they appear on the horizon.

Naturally, in this game, they will take mostly from their Breath of the Wild version, with all the strength, speed, and general extra-ness that comes with. Likely being a bit OP aside, their moveset will pull from all of their various moves demonstrated with extreme prejudice throughout the game.

Likelihood rating: Could happen.

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