Thursday, December 29, 2022



At the end of the sixth dungeon, you will encounter a giant crab/spider-looking thing with one giant eye that will shoot at you with lasers.

This is a Gohma, a creature that would appear again and again throughout the series, frequently as the first boss of the game. Designs of the creature will vary radically, from more of a crab here in Legend of Zelda, to a giant spider in Ocarina of Time and Twilight Princess, to a lava centipede of sorts in Wind Waker. Through it all, Gohma shares certain aspects, most notably its giant creepy-crawly concept and its single giant eye.

As a fighter, Gohma will combine most of its design aspects and look like some monstrous cross between a spider and a crab. Its moveset will pull from all of its major boss battles, including its laser eyes and its hundreds of eggs.

Likelihood rating: Probably not.

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