Wednesday, December 28, 2022



Another enemy type you might come across inside the later dungeons will come in the form of large knights clad in heavy armor that the player will have to knock loose if they want to get at the warrior’s softer insides.

These are the Darknuts. Or Iron Knuckles. Or a few other names, but really they’re all the same basic concept. As far as I can tell, the difference in name is simply which name the game developers felt like using for this specific installment. Regardless of what you call them, Darknuts consistently prove troublesome enemies you’ll have to take a few minutes to take down.

As playable characters, their biggest quality will be in defense, their heavy armor protecting them from all but the strongest attacks. That defense will be able to be whittled down by enemy players, but the loss of their armor will grant them a boost of speed in return. Their moveset will pull from across their appearances.

Likelihood rating: Could happen.

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