Friday, October 28, 2022

The Legend of Zelda (Valiant Comics)


Today, let's cover the run of Zelda comics run by Valiant. This run was published between 1990 and 1991 with six issues and twelve stories total. It . . . seems to be set in the same universe as the cartoon, albeit Link has a slightly different design and he and Zelda are a hair nicer to each other. It even had what I thought was a really great story arc where Link gained the Triforce of Power and ended up being corrupted by it.

Link, Zelda, Ganon, Impa, and King Harkinian all appear here, with not too much new to talk about, alongside a lot of recurring enemies from the series, as well as a few from Zelda II, like Dairas and Dark Link. A few new characters include Captain Krin, the captain of the guard, who doesn't seem to do too much on screen; Bagu, Link's friend who is implied to be a strong fighter, but sadly, the only thing we see him do on screen is lift people up; and Queen Seline, the queen of a nearby kingdom and powerful magic user. She is shown to be able to cast powerful eight-way spells that turn people into frogs and defend her kingdom from attack, and even without her magic, can ride a horse, fight using her magic wand as a weapon, and play tennis.

Here's what we've got so far:

Link: kick, sword, sword beam, pillow, magic pouch, swing, shield, lasso, springboard, wind whistle, power bracelet, force field ring, surf on shield

Zelda: punch, reflect with a pan, grow with magic, launch from a tree, bow, boomerang, crossbow, raise on Triforce, ice, fire, shields, lemons, banana peels


King Harkinian: water park, CDi games rep?


Ganon: teleport, lightning, summon enemies, bombs, fire, chains, crystal ball, suction, control jewel, capture staff, wand of power

Goriya: Possible catch-all for enemy representation here, as it is the most prominent enemy type in the show that has not yet gotten a moveset. If so, staff, bone bow, capture staff, bomb, frog transformation, boomerang, giant magnet.

Prince Façade: horse, shield, crossbow

Sing: Pegasus, leap, sai, sai beam

Sleezenose: fake sword, lockpick, beehives, bee catapult, box of bees

Doof/Automaton: automaton, animate, bear hug, broom, fake Moblin

Witch of Walls

Water Monster: splash, flood, snake, crab, fish, tentacle, lightning

Captain Krin

Bagu: pick up

Queen Seline: magic, frog transformation, jar that steals magic, horse, wand as weapon, defense, tennis


Zelda's Castle

Ganon's Lair

Water Park


Thanks for reading! Next up, the Link to the Past comic run by Nintendo Power and written by Ishinomori Shotaro.

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