Friday, October 14, 2022

Character Sheet: Yamori


Now, let's cover a small batch of new characters from the obscure side of the Zelda series, most if not all hailing from the Tingle series such as Freshly-Picked Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland and Ripened Tingle's Balloon Trip of Love. They may not be household names, but they made their case enough for me to accept them in. They are:

1. Pinkle

2. Tingle's Troupe

3. Aba

4. Yamori

5. Uncle Rupee

6. Majiyo

7. Segare

8. Oinker

Today let's cover Yamori, a supporting character appearing in both Rosy Rupeeland and Balloon Trip of Love. He functions as a sort of minigame in both, hiding out in random locations until Tingle finds him, rewarding him and then escaping. He can also be recruited as a bodyguard in the first game. He doesn't have too much to work with, but more than enough. He attacks with a ninja blade, hides and uses disguises to conceal his location, leaps high into the air, flies using a kite, and drops smoke bombs.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Blade Flurry

He will leap into a slight fight cloud, but less distinct than some of the others, slashing multiple times with his blade.

Side B: Smoke Bomb

He will drop a smoke bomb right in front of himself, creating a cloud on the stage and obscuring the fight around the area.

Up B: Kite Leap

He will leap high into the air then produce his kite to swoop downwards.

Down B: Hide

He will pull up a disguise patterned to look like the stage he is on, blending in with his surroundings. He can break from it with any attack, or he can stay there indefinitely until struck by an opponent.

Final Smash: Hidden Slash

He will slash an opponent and send them into the air. He will then perform several strikes similar to other ninja characters like Sheik and Greninja.

Entrance: He will poke his head up out of a patch of grass with a snorkel in his mouth.

Taunts: Up, he will perform a standard ninja pose. Side, he will look around as if suddenly exposed. Down, he will tuck down behind grass and poke his head out.

Thanks for reading! Next up, the main villain of the first Tingle game!

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