Saturday, October 8, 2022

Zelda's Adventure


And now for the final Zelda game of the Phillips CDi, this time developed by Viridis, and, in my opinion, the worst of the three if only for the fact that the other two had "so bad they're good" cutscenes the internet has come together to laugh at. Zelda's Adventure is just a top-down game set against a bland gray landscape where you can barely tell what's going on half the time, with a few random live action cutscenes here and there.

Zelda is our playable character again this time, working to rescue Link from, ahem, "Gannon." Her main weapon is a wand that she uses to cast various spells. These spells include: throwing a boomerang, shooting a bow and arrow, throwing a sword, throwing a dagger, swinging a mallet, jousting with a lance, swinging a club, and throwing an axe (ah, yes, "spells") but also summoning whirlwinds, shooting flames, shooting feathers, firing gold, green, and blue sparkles, firing a wave of sound, and creating a wall of flames (non-quotational spells).

Besides Zelda, Link is our "damsel in distress" of sorts, while the wizard Gaspra and the old woman Shurmak act as Zelda's guides and mentors. There are a number of other random NPCs scattered throughout, all mostly appearing in live-action cutscenes.

"Gannon" acts as your main villain, with a pretty basic boss fight. His bosses include the ogre Llort, the wolfman Pasquinade, the giant bird Aviana, the grim reaper-like Malmord, the blob Agwanda, the bear Ursore, and the dragon Warbane, with minibosses including the goblin Sardak, a disturbing-looking Pols Voice, a cloud called Vapora, a Sea Monster, a swamp creature called Kelpie, Knights, and an archer named Maxus.

As for enemies, Bago-Bagos, Deelers, Gibdos, Goriyas, Iron Knuckles, Keese, Lanmolas, Leevers, Moblins, Octoroks, Peahats, Stalfos, Zoras, Tektites, Wallmasters, Wizzrobes, Vires, and Zols all appear and are practically unrecognizable unless you're looking at a Wiki that says that's what they are.

This game had actual dungeons to it, as opposed to its predecessors, including the Shrine of Earth, the Shrine of Illusion, the Shrine of Air, the Shrine of Destiny, the Shrine of Water, the Shrine of Strength, and the Shrine of Fire.

Anyway, that should be about it. Here's what we've got so far:


Link: sword, shield, bell, bombs, water of life, winged helmet, Power Glove, rope, lantern, snowball, Book of Koridai

Zelda: sword, shield, flute, bombs, water of life, shroud, Power Glove, rope, lantern, Wand of Gamelon, wand, boomerang, bow and arrow, sword, dagger, mallet, lance, club, axe, whirlwinds, flames, feathers, gold, green, and blue sparkles, wave of sound, wall of flames

King Harkinian

Tingle: fight cloud, money management, fireworks, make maps, fly with balloons, drop bombs, cook, shovel, bat, stretch and leap, rupee blast, baseball, slingshot, rope, train car, scary face

Pinkle: potential echo fighter or gimmick rep

Tingle's companions (Kakashi, Buriki, and Lion): crawl, pick things up, get thrown, carried by crows, scan, connect to electricity, trip, lift bell, knock tree over, pick vegetables, slingshot, scary face, seeds, train car?


Gaspra/Shurmak: I think my current working concept is to work in representation for these games into the movesets of the TV versions of Link, Zelda, and maybe King Harkinian, since they seem to be drawing a lot of inspiration from that show.

Ganon/Gannon: flaming skulls

Sensei, Azusa, Iona, Liar, and Princess

Aba: potential gimmick rep

Teddy Todo/other bodyguards

Yamori: ninja blade, hide, disguise, leap, kite, smoke bombs

Uncle Rupee: sofa, lightning, table shields, cats, grand form, green cloud, giant head, bodyguards with rupee guns

Segare: sword, horse, leap, giant mech, rocket launchers, ramp, sabotage, vandalism, spiked wall

Majiyo: shapeshift, teleport, become gigantic, float, bee, worm, snake, final form

Oinker: bombs, swords, shields, lances, spells, rolling around on balls, sword spin, rage circle, more Oinkers, meteors, float, slash, waves of magic

Captain Stalfos: fireball, swords


Death Bug

Bana Bana

Dora Dora








Iron Knuckle

Three Witches












Tingle's Room

Port Town

Western Pool

Hero's Shrine

Pirate Hideaway

Deku Temple

Insect Cavern

Desma's Labyrinth

Captain Stalfos's Ship

Cape Treasure

Deku Forest

Gooey Swamp

Mount Desma

Fairy Garden

Auros Ruins

Balloon Fight


Emerald City



Harlequin Bazaar





Crater Cove

Toyku Lighthouse

Firestone Lake

Spearfish Falls

Serigon Caves

Fortress Centrum

Hermit Flat

Shipwreck Cliff

Ganon's Lair


Aru Ainu

Dordung Cave

Fairy Pool

Gobiyan ship

Hanyu forest


Reesong Palace

Shrine of Gamelon

Shutoy Lake

Tykogi Tower

Washubi Swamp

Shrine of Earth

Shrine of Illusion

Shrine of Air

Shrine of Destiny

Shrine of Water

Shrine of Strength

Shrine of Fire

Thanks for reading! And we're done! Next, a new but short batch of characters, and then we cover the remakes and all remaining games.

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