Saturday, October 15, 2022

Character Sheet: Uncle Rupee


Now, let's cover a small batch of new characters from the obscure side of the Zelda series, most if not all hailing from the Tingle series such as Freshly-Picked Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland and Ripened Tingle's Balloon Trip of Love. They may not be household names, but they made their case enough for me to accept them in. They are:

1. Pinkle

2. Tingle's Troupe

3. Aba

4. Yamori

5. Uncle Rupee

6. Majiyo

7. Segare

8. Oinker

When you begin Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland, the plot kicks off with a strange old man contacting Tingle and telling him of a magical land called Rupeeland that he can access by dumping as many rupees as possible into a pool. As you near the end of the story, you discover that this was all a ruse, that there is no Rupeeland, and that Uncle Rupee is a fraud who has been using you to get rich.

In his boss battle, he flies around on a large sofa that he bought for himself with your money. He can shoot lightning, use some fancy tables as shields, send out his cats to attack you, send his bodyguards to shoot at you with Rupee guns, and can take on two additional forms, one as a giant and one as a giant head. I'd say that's plenty.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Precious

He will toss one of his cats forward as a projectile, which will attach itself to you and rack up damage with claw attacks.

Side B: Bodyguards

Two bodyguards will appear on either side of him and shoot two streams of rupees at opposing players.

Up B: Sofa Rockets

His sofa will produce rockets that will shoot him straight up into the air and out of trouble.

Down B: Table Shield

He will bring forward a fancy table to protect himself from your attack.

Final Smash: Giant Head

He will turn into his giant head form and spew rupees at the screen, similar to something like Andross.

Entrance: He will start as as a homeless man in rags then a sofa will appear under him and his rags will turn to robes.

Taunts: He will spread his hands as "Rupeeland!" appears above his head. Side, he will hold up a bunch of rupees and laugh jovially. Down, his sofa will break and his rags will return.

Thanks for reading! Next up, the main villain of the second Tingle game!

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