Thursday, October 13, 2022

Character Sheet: Aba


Now, let's cover a small batch of new characters from the obscure side of the Zelda series, most if not all hailing from the Tingle series such as Freshly-Picked Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland and Ripened Tingle's Balloon Trip of Love. They may not be household names, but they made their case enough for me to accept them in. They are:

1. Pinkle

2. Tingle's Troupe

3. Aba

4. Yamori

5. Uncle Rupee

6. Majiyo

7. Segare

8. Oinker

Today, let's cover Aba. She appears early on in Rosy Rupeeland as a wild child who instructs you on the game's combat system. She recurs throughout the game, turning out to be the adopted daughter of the wild man Junglo until you piece together the clues and discover that her real father is the local blacksmith that provides your weapons.

Being the person that teaches you how to fight, she is a natural pick for the game's gimmick rep, specifically every action unique to the game. This includes your standard fight cloud fighting system, fireworks, money management, stretching out and leaping, digging for rupees, cooking, and the rupee blast used against Uncle Rupee. And of course, we cannot forget the game's bodyguard mechanic.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Fight Cloud

Aba will leap forward with her staff and pull enemies into a fight cloud, dealing damage before breaking apart with a slight launching move.

Side B: Rupee Dig

Aba will pull out a shovel and dig up a rupee, which will strike the opponent before letting Aba pick it up. Every rupee she picks up will give her a small boost to her stats. This could result in her being really powerful eventually.

Up B: Stretching Leap

She will stretch upward and then leap, throwing herself high into the air and over her opponents.

Down B: Junglo

This will pull from the bodyguard mechanic, but more specific to her. She will hold up a rupee and her adopted father Junglo will appear, following her around and fighting with her. Enough hits will eventually defeat him.

Final Smash: Rupee Blaster

Just like Pinkle, she will end up at one corner of the screen and start blasting rupees at the stage.

Entrance: She will jump onto the stage, looking serious.

Taunts: Up, she will count up her current rupee count, showing above her head. Side, she will sweep her staff and take up a fighting pose. Down, she will fiddle with her locket and look sad.

Thanks for reading! Next up, a ninja might be lurking somewhere in the next blog.

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