Monday, October 17, 2022

Character Sheet: Majiyo


Now, let's cover a small batch of new characters from the obscure side of the Zelda series, most if not all hailing from the Tingle series such as Freshly-Picked Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland and Ripened Tingle's Balloon Trip of Love. They may not be household names, but they made their case enough for me to accept them in. They are:

1. Pinkle

2. Tingle's Troupe

3. Aba

4. Yamori

5. Uncle Rupee

6. Majiyo

7. Segare

8. Oinker

Now, let's cover the main villain of Ripened Tingle's Balloon Trip of Love. The game starts with Tingle receiving a book from a strange merchant, which soon sucks him in and forces him to re-enact the book's story, a cheap knockoff of Wizard of Oz. This merchant is revealed to be Majiyo, the game's villain and stand-in for the Wicked Witch of the West. She wishes to gain more power by absorbing "feropon," an element released by someone with delusions of a person out of their league falling in love with them, and she had picked Tingle as the perfect candidate. I . . . have nothing to say about that plot point, except maybe a Nelson Muntz "Ha Ha!"

In her boss battle, she could float around with a ring of orbs around her. From those orbs, she could summon bees that fly forward as projectiles, worms that charge forward, and a giant snake form with frogs popping up from her back and leaping at Tingle to try and drain him. She can also shapeshift into disguises, teleport with magic, and become a giant outside of battle. Her final form takes the shape of a giant head with six hands floating around it.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Majiyo Wasp

She will summon a wasp to fly forward as a strong projectile.

Side B: Majiyo Worm

She will summon her giant worm to charge full-body across the stage, knocking aside any in its way.

Up B: Orb Float

Her ring of orbs will surround her and she will start floating upwards, with the player able to control her trajectory. I prefer that to a basic teleport anyway..

Down B: Feropon Frog

She will summon up one of the frogs from her snake move, which will hop forward and latch onto the nearest player, draining them of health AKA Feropon.

Final Smash: Final Form

She will turn into her giant head form, with her six hands swarming around her, swiping at players and producing cards from which Majiyos emerge and attack.

Entrance: She will teleport in wearing her merchant disguise and throw it off.

Taunts: She will hold up a card with the princess trapped inside. Side, she will flip through the book and look interested. Down, she will suck up some feropon and look refreshed.

Thanks for reading! Next up, we have Majiyo's son Segare!

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