Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Character Sheet: Tingle's Troupe


Now, let's cover a small batch of new characters from the obscure side of the Zelda series, most if not all hailing from the Tingle series such as Freshly-Picked Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland and Ripened Tingle's Balloon Trip of Love. They may not be household names, but they made their case enough for me to accept them in. They are:

1. Pinkle

2. Tingle's Troupe

3. Aba

4. Yamori

5. Uncle Rupee

6. Majiyo

7. Segare

8. Oinker

Next up, let's cover Kakashi, Buriki, and Lion, Tingle's companions from Ripened Tingle's Balloon Trip of Love. Balloon Trip of Love is basically just Wizard of Oz but with Tingle, and the three companions are the game's adaptation of the scarecrow, tin man, and cowardly lion, with such differences as Buriki is a female alien robot. Separately, they didn't have quite enough to work with, but as a three-person group, I think we've got it made.

Together, they can crawl and pick up random items. Kakashi can be thrown himself and be carried away by crows. Buriki can scan, connect to electronics, and use electrical attacks. And Lion has a lot of strength, able to lift heavy objects like bells, fallen trees, and large vegetables. Outside of that, several game specific abilities coming with Tingle include his slingshot, his scary face, and the train worked on by Azusa. I think that's plenty, don't you.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Kakashi Throw

Kakashi will let himself be picked up by his companions and get thrown as a light projectile.

Side B: Buriki Zap

Buriki will zap enemies with a jolt of electricity, holding them in place for just a moment and letting the trio add on more attacks.

Up B: Fearless Crows

A group of crows will fly down, grab Kakashi, and carry him off, Buriki and Lion holding onto his feet and trying to save him. After a while, the crows will let go and the three will fall.

Down B: Lift the Bell

Lion will strain to lift a giant bell, launching it into the air so that it comes down hard a short distance in front of the trio.

Final Smash: Azusa Liner

The trio will jump out of the way as a train conducted by an excited Azusa comes barreling across the stage, slamming into any in its way.

Entrance: All three will pop out of the book from the game.

Taunts: Up, Buriki and Lion will toss Kakashi into the air. Side, Buriki will scan her companions and tilt her head to the side. Down, Lion will crouch with feat and his companions will comfort him.

Thanks for reading! Next up, the person who taught Tingle how to fight in his original game.

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