Saturday, January 28, 2023



Upon clearing Hyrule of its invading Twilight, Link and Midna make their way to the Mirror Chamber, the only true gateway between their two worlds, only to find that the mirror has been broken into pieces by Zant. They head out again to find the scattered pieces, heading first to a place called Snowpeak, where they encounter a pair of yetis.

These are Yeto and Yeta, largely friendly snow monsters who live together in an old frozen palace, happy and in love. At least, that was until a piece of the Mirror of Twilight landed in their home and slowly started twisting Yeta’s mind to evil, turning her into the final boss of the dungeon.

As fighters, Yeto and Yeta will be color swaps of each other, Yeto being the more active initially, but Yeta bringing a lot to their moveset with her boss battle. They will both be strong and durable, able to survive the harsh conditions of the place they call home.

Likelihood rating: Probably not.

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