Wednesday, January 4, 2023



When Onox kidnapped Din, he was able to sink her Temple of Seasons underground and plunge Holodrum into chaos, the different weathers of each season completely out of whack. In order to restore balance, Link must find the temple and awaken the season spirits that dwell there. He does so by following a strange cloaked figure down to a secret underground world.

This is Subrosia and it is entirely inhabited by these cloaked figures. They are secretive and try to keep themselves hidden from surface dwellers, but perfectly friendly and helpful to Link. They would not recur, though similar characters would appear in Freshly-Picked Tingle’s Rosy Rupeeland.

As fighters, the Subrosians will be small without too much power behind them, but they will be good at stealth and underhanded maneuvers, with a good amount of speed behind them as well. Their moveset will pull from all the random things various Subrosian NPCs are seen doing and the various elements of their underground world.

Likelihood rating: Never gonna happen.

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