Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Captain Stalfos


As Link explores Subrosia, he might come across the House of the Pirates, where a number of Stalfos pirates dwell. Turns out, they’d been stranded there for centuries, and if you talk to their captain, you just might fight a surprising connection to Queen Ambi of Oracle of Ages.

This special type of “Pirate Stalfos” is a trope that would recur again and again throughout the series, either as allies or bosses, including Cap’n, the long lost lover of Queen Ambi from the Oracles games, as well as Captain Stalfos from Tingle’s Rosy Rupeeland and LD-002G Scervo from Skyward Sword.

This fighter will be an amalgam of all three of these characters, possibly with their names applied depending on the color swaps, and their stats will be similar to your standard Stalfos. Their moveset will pull from all three versions of this character and their Stalchild pirate minions.

Likelihood rating: Never gonna happen.

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