Wednesday, January 25, 2023

King Daphnes


With a flick of his hand, Ganondorf orders his avian minion to toss Link away, sending him flying miles away over the open ocean. When Link reawakens, he finds himself unharmed and in the company of a talking red ship who offers his help.

This is the King of Red Lions, Link’s personal ride between the various islands and his guide character for the game. As he learns the history of his heroic predecessor, the drowned kingdom of Hyrule, and Ganondorf’s true motivation, Link also discovers the boat’s true identity as King Daphnes Nohansen Hyrule, the last king of Hyrule whose spirit has persisted to help the next hero against Ganon’s return.

As a fighter, King Daphnes will be light and floaty, held aloft by his ghostly essence. He will be primarily in his kingly form, though his boat self will emerge with certain attacks. His moveset will pull from the boat’s abilities throughout the game and his moveset in Hyrule Warriors.

Likelihood rating: Good possibility.

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