Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Young Link


Now that we have the 2D game out of the way, let’s go back in time to 1998, when the Nintendo 64 had launched and all of the major game franchises attempted to make the leap to 3D. The Legend of Zelda was one of those that made the leap with flying colors by releasing Ocarina of Time, still widely regarded as not only one of the best Zelda games but also one of the best video games of all time as a whole.

Now, one could argue that, in some of the games that came before it, Link was “Young Link,” but this game was the first to make a distinction between an adult Link and a young Link, so his “premiere” is here. The plot started with Link as a plucky young ten year old, only to be sent seven years into the future with a taller, more mature body.

This version of Link will follow that logic and stick to the differences between the two as displayed in game, Young Link being far quicker and lighter than his adult counterpart. His moveset will pull mainly from the items he could use as a child but not as an adult, as well as a few distinct mechanics from the game’s sequel Majora’s Mask.

Likelihood rating: Already in.

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