Saturday, January 28, 2023



Along came the Nintendo Wii era, complete with its motion controls, leading to several great games and other games that were held back from greatness by their wonky controls. Sadly, Skyward Sword fell into that second camp, with beautiful graphics and great stories but sorely lacking controls. The story was set thousands of years prior to every other game in the series, set on an island floating high in the sky, where young knights trained to fly around on giant birds called Loftwings. Our new Link was one of these knights, a childhood friend of this game’s Zelda, constantly competing for her affections with a big pompous bully with a pompadour.

This is Groose, a thug and an idiot when you first meet him, who you will see grow into a hero in his own right as he learns to work alongside Link to find Zelda and protect the land that would become Hyrule from an ancient evil sealed beneath the ground.

As a fighter, he will have a lot of muscle behind him, but he will also be light and floaty, making great use of his Loftwing, being the natural choice to inherit everything connected to them. His moveset will also pull from his patented Groosenator machine built to fight the Imprisoned.

Likelihood rating: Good possibility.

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