Monday, January 16, 2023

2D Zelda Assist Trophies


And here's a batch of assist trophies pulled from characters who didn't quite make it in to the playable roster for the 2D games. They are:

1.       Bubble: It will float around the stage, regularly making its barking sound and going after players.

2.       Enemy Trains: It will race across the stage from one side to the other, striking anyone it is way.

3.       Gleeok: It will land heavily on the stage just behind the action, its three heads watching the fighters and regularly snapping at them.

4.       Like Like: It will do like a Like Like does, swallow up the nearest fighter and munch on them for a moment.

5.       Old Zora: It will stick its head up from a randomly appearing puddle of water and spit a fireball at the nearest player.

6.       Wallmaster: Its shadow will appear above a player for a second before suddenly dropping down, grabbing the player, and pulling them offscreen.

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