Wednesday, January 25, 2023



In order to have the strength to combat Ganondorf, Link and the King of Red Lions must travel to three distinct locations to seek out the Pearls of the Goddesses. Their first destination is Dragon Roost Island, the home of the birdlike Ritos. Unfortunately, the Rito prince and bearer of the pearl has shut himself away due to a traumatic event, and Link is forced to seek out the prince’s caretaker.

This caretaker is a young Rito girl named Medli. She bears a golden harp that she uses to calm the prince and the dragon that rules the island, and is later revealed to be the descendant of the last Zora sage, making her the new sage of the earth temple. Much like Darunia and Ruto before her, this makes her a key pick to represent the Rito race as a whole.

As a fighter, she will be one of the best in terms of aerials. She won’t be particularly strong, but her maneuverability will make up for that. Her moveset will pull from her entire race as a whole as well as her own specific abilities.

Likelihood rating: Good possibility.

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