Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Deku Baba


Link sets off after Navi, heading down the forest trail to where the Great Deku Tree grows. Along the path, he encounters some of his first enemies, living man-eating plants that sprout from the ground and snap at him.

These are the Deku Babas. I suppose if Piranha Plant could make it, they could too, but they’re not here simply for that. Rather, over the course of the series, Deku Babas have appeared in many forms, most of them basically identical to their original incarnation, but just enough variance here and there to warrant a moveset.

As fighters, they will be similar in most stat aspects to Piranha Plant, if maybe a little stronger and heavier. Their moveset will pull from across the series, and every major variant of note.

Likelihood rating: Piranha Plant clause, practically the defining example.

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