Friday, January 6, 2023

Oshus & Ciela


The Nintendo DS games took a unique turn, acting as sequels to the 3D game Wind Waker. The story rejoined Toon Link and Tetra, out on their journey to discover a new land for their people to settle, only to encounter a strange ghost ship. Tetra, always one for adventure, leaps aboard and Toon Link tries to follow, only to wake up adrift several hours later, a concerned fairy looking him over.

This fairy is Ciela, Link’s companion for the game. She leads him to her “grandpa” Oshus, a wise old man who helps Link find the ghost ship and save Tetra. As the game goes on, Oshus reveals himself to be the almighty Ocean King, trapped in human form by a curse, and Ciela is revealed to be a spirit of courage, her memory lost to the same curse.

As fighters, Oshus and Ciela will work together. Oshus will be a bit on the slow side, but his impressive ocean abilities will more than make up for it. His moveset will pull from the magic he performs as an old man, his abilities as the Ocean King, Ciela’s abilities, and some features of his temple from the game.

Likelihood rating: Probably not.

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