Friday, November 18, 2022

The Legend of Zelda (Mishouzaki)


And now, for the real weird one. Way back when all you had to go on were little eight bit sprites and a sprawling map, I suppose it was natural for someone to interpret it all drastically differently than what is seen as core Zelda canon today. This manga, written by Mishouzaki Yuu, was published in 1989 and covered the events of the first two Zelda games, sort of. Here, Hyrule was a land of humans and elves, where horribly egregious racism against elves was commonplace. Ganon was a nightmare-fuel/lovecraftian-horror demon who had broken through into the human would by the oh so sinful act of a human and an elf making love!

Anyway, the story stars Link, the half-elf son of the scandalous trespassers, one being an elf warrior named Rune, and one being the last Queen Zelda, in a torrid affair, both of whom were murdered by Ganon, leading to Link never knowing either of them. And yes, this does mean that the Princess Zelda of this story is his half-sister, and yes, he does not know this, and yes, he has a crush on her. Do with that what you will. He has two distinct swords unique to this manga, his father's White Sword, a big old wedge-shaped thing, and the Hyper Magical Sword, something he just kinda found in a ruin one chapter that shoots lightning and has to be the most over-powered weapon in the story.

Zelda is a fairly constant companion throughout the story, mostly shown wielding a sword and casting powerful magic with her triforce. Other secondary character include a very young Impa who acts as a mom figure to both Link and Zelda. She is part of Hyrule's ninja force, and can throw shurikens, but that's about it. There's also Grey and Pell, a pair of siblings, and their grandfather Jenard, the man who kept Rune's sword for Link after he died. Then there's Kana, Link's aunt and an elven warrior. We only really see her send fairies to heal on the page, though it's implied she can do stuff. And a few other random NPCs, but nothing really to work with over all.

Ganon in the first story is more of a powerful malevolent force than a being, and so we don't have much to work with apart from a big black overwhelming cloud with a boar face. In the second story though, he inhabits a body that I guess is supposed to be this story's version of Dark Link, who calls himself Ganon's Heart, and who can extend his arms, absorb magical energy, float and teleport, and steals the White Sword to use for himself.

It's mostly a lot of familiar names for locations here, so at least they got that right.

Here's what we've got so far:


Manga Link: slingshot, sword, shield, bow, boomerang, bombs, magic wand, Watto, become a fairy, healing magic, thunder, fly on shield, raft, Link to the Past-related stuff, White Sword, Hyper Magical Sword

Riruto: sword, lightning sword, spin attack, cyclone sword, sword beam, shield, power bracelet, giant pot, grapple, backflip

Zelda: club, rope, sword, flute, spells, transform, sea monster, magic, sword, Triforce magic

Kalin: energy aura

Biri: sword, torches, pitchforks, battering rams

Raska: palm thrust, knee, jab, two-palm strike, shield thrust, throwing spikes

Captain Arjuna: Hylian Soldier moveset

Gonza: sword, throwing daggers, bombs, rock, dash

Kala: ferret, worm, dragon, punch, pile driver

Cho: rope, power bracelet

Maple: broom, create cushions, lift things, summon demon, false monsters, crystal ball

Ricky: leap, tornado punch, multi-jabs, tuck into pouch, ski, flying bear

Ghanti: sword, dagger, silver arrows, wolf, monster, apple

Sir Raven: sword, horse, fishing, fish hook lockpick, mystery seeds, axe, peashooter


Link's Uncle: sword


Tou: same as Raska

Couscous: spells, claw, bite


Gump: trained Link, sword, training staff, flip

Shemlon: forge, enchant swords, sword, reflect

Rouro: fly, peck, flyswatter, bag, storm

Jolene: ship's cannons, twin swords, lunge, block, Linebeck-related moves

Pirate Captain: dagger, sword, hook

Ganon/Ganon's Minion: burn, magic blast, disappear, fly, shock, storm, teleport, shapeshift, Ganon's hand

Demon Ganon/Ganon's Heart: extend arms, White Sword, absorb, disappear, teleport, Demon Ganon form


Nabat: lightning storm

Haggis: steed, protection amulet, punch, flick, bow, head bash, wind strike, kick, lightning strike, energy blast, lightning speed, energy shield.


Ganon's Statue

Spirit World Training Arena

Demon World

Thanks for reading! And now that all the notable stuff is out of the way, let's go ahead and cover basically everything else.

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