Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Character Sheet: Sleezenose


There's not much point to a big returning character review this time around, so let's cover the small handful of characters we were able to pull from the Legend of Zelda cartoon series created by DiC, and the few western comics published under the Zelda series banner. We have eleven to add, including:

1.     TV Link

2.     TV Zelda

3.     King Harkinian

4.     Queen Seline

5.     Roam

6.     Sing

7.     Doof & Automaton

8.     Sleezenose

9.     TV Ganon

10.  Goriya

11.  Water Monster

With what has to be the most nonsensical fictional nose I have ever seen, Sleezenose is a con artist who first appears to Link as an old man being accosted by (hired) thugs on the road. After Link defends him, Sleezenose convinces him to trade his Master Sword for a fake sword apparently much stronger than the Master Sword (please note: this version of Link is an idiot). What follows is a long string of shenanigans of various parties vying for possession of the Master Sword with Sleezenose in the middle of it all.

Throughout the episode, Sleezenose uses various tricks to pull things over on Link, Zelda, and Ganon. He has a gang of thugs armed with clubs at his disposal, and carries a fake sword that crumbles in one hit. He can pick locks, and later helps Link and Zelda by setting up a bunch of traps involving bees, including dropping beehives and loading them into catapults. Link and Zelda even manage to get one over on him by swapping out a box of treasure he tried to steal with a box full of live bees.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Box of Bees

He will open up a treasure chest and a swarm of bees will spill out, swarming the nearest opponent.

Side B: Fake Sword

He will swing his fake sword to attack an opponent, which will strike with a devastating hit exactly once, then shatter. After that, the move will be much weaker, allowing him to stab with the shards of the broken hit.

Up B: Catapult

He will pull a tree all the way down and then launch himself high into the air with it.

Down B: Thug

He will hire a guard to come out and smack an opponent with their club while defending him from any harm.

Final Smash: Bee Catapults

He will load up a series of catapults with beehives and launch them at the stage, which will explode upon impact and release hordes of angry bees everywhere.

Entrance: Sleezenose will be surrounded by thugs and crying out for help.

Taunts: Up, he will hold up the Master Sword and inspect its quality. Side, he will rub his hands together sneakily. Down, he will heft a chest full of treasure as if to carry it away.

Thanks for reading! Next up, the cartoon version of Ganon.

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