Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Character Sheet: TV Zelda


There's not much point to a big returning character review this time around, so let's cover the small handful of characters we were able to pull from the Legend of Zelda cartoon series created by DiC, and the few western comics published under the Zelda series banner. We have eleven to add, including:

1.     TV Link

2.     TV Zelda

3.     King Harkinian

4.     Queen Seline

5.     Roam

6.     Sing

7.     Doof & Automaton

8.     Sleezenose

9.     TV Ganon

10.  Goriya

11.  Water Monster

Link was pretty bad, but the cartoon version of Zelda was not really that much better, being borderline toxic and abusive most of the time, which I would say is justified, if it was ever in the same context as Link's harassment. I am so glad we have better versions of them both to enjoy in the games.

At least one plus to the character, though, was that she was pretty active when it came to combat and fought right alongside Link in most episodes. This gives us quite a bit to work with then. She wields a lot of powerful magic, including casting ice, fire, shield, and growth spells. She also became the holder of most of Link's projectile weapons, using the boomerang and bow for herself. Outside of that, she has been seen to punch, use a pan to reflect an attack, throw lemons and banana peels, and launch herself using a tree branch. I think that should do it.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Fire Spell

Zelda will cast a magic spell of fire as a projectile at her enemies, which will explode and burn upon contact.

Side B: Boomerang

She will draw the boomerang as it appears in the show and throw it. It will mostly act as a boomerang would.

Up B: Tree Branch Leap

Zelda will grab onto a tree branch that appears above her head and use its cartoon elasticity to propel herself into the air.

Down B: Shield Spell

She will cast her shielding spell to protect herself from magical attack.

Final Smash: Triforce of Wisdom

Basically the same as Link's, but with a bit more force behind it, given she is the magic user here.

Entrance: The Triforce of Wisdom will flash and she will appear from it.

Taunts: Up, she will cheer that she has won the battle. Side, she will hold the Triforce of Wisdom and look into it. Down, she will cross her arms and say, "Some hero you turned out to be."

Thanks for reading! Next up, Zelda's father as he appears in both this series and the CDi games.

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