Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Character Sheet: TV Link


There's not much point to a big returning character review this time around, so let's cover the small handful of characters we were able to pull from the Legend of Zelda cartoon series created by DiC, and the few western comics published under the Zelda series banner. We have eleven to add, including:

1.     TV Link

2.     TV Zelda

3.     King Harkinian

4.     Queen Seline

5.     Roam

6.     Sing

7.     Doof & Automaton

8.     Sleezenose

9.     TV Ganon

10.  Goriya

11.  Water Monster

Well, excuuuuuuuuse me, Princess, but it looks like he still gets to go first. The TV version of Link is not a great version of the character, being an arrogant idiot who can't take no for an answer, a far cry from Ocarina, Wind Waker, or Breath of the Wild's versions. Still, there are some significant differences between him and his video game counterparts, likely stemming from the animators interpreting pixels differently than later game developers would, resulting in more than enough distinction to be his own character.

So first off, Link has a horse named Catherine and a fairy companion named Sprite, both of whom can be factored in here. He also wields a sword with which he can cast sword beams and a shield on which he can surf. He has a magical pouch that he can store and draw items from, a whistle to whip up the wind, a rope he can use as a lasso, a power bracelet, and a force field ring. He can also kick, throw pillows, and springboard off of things, so I'd say we have plenty.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Magic Pouch
Basically functioning just like Villager's pocket move, Link will grab projectiles and items and stash them away for future use.

Side B: Sword Beam
Link will cast a sword beam with his sword, but in this instance, with the animation for the attack as used by the show.

Up B: Shield Springboard
He will toss his shield down and then springboard off of it to get himself higher, a frequent tactic used by him.

Down B: Force Field Ring
He will cast a force field from his ring around himself, protecting himself from harm.

Final Smash: Triforce of Wisdom
The Triforce of Wisdom will rise and start to glow, blowing players back with its power as Link protects it.

Entrance: He will ride in on Catherine and dismount.

Taunts: Up, Sprite will circle around him and they will laugh. Side, he will lean in and ask for a kiss. Down, he will cross his arms and say, well, you know.

Thanks for reading! Next up, his counterpart version of Princess Zelda.

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