Thursday, November 10, 2022

Character Sheet: TV Ganon


There's not much point to a big returning character review this time around, so let's cover the small handful of characters we were able to pull from the Legend of Zelda cartoon series created by DiC, and the few western comics published under the Zelda series banner. We have eleven to add, including:

1.     TV Link

2.     TV Zelda

3.     King Harkinian

4.     Queen Seline

5.     Roam

6.     Sing

7.     Doof & Automaton

8.     Sleezenose

9.     TV Ganon

10.  Goriya

11.  Water Monster

Today, let's cover the cartoon version of Ganon, portrayed as a light tan pig wizard who lives in the underground and creates monsters from a giant jar of magic in his lair. He also teleports every five seconds for some reason, and his voice randomly changes from super deep to high and raspy. He was voice by Len Carlson, who played, among many many other things, Krusha from Donkey Kong Country, so, that was a trip. And then I found out yesterday, he was also the grandpa from Rolie Polie Olie, so . . . that was another trip. Sadly, he passed away in 2006, so no returns there. Rest in peace.

As for his moves, obviously he can teleport. A Lot. And he can use his magic to summon lighting, fire, bombs, and chains, as well as enemies from his jar. He can also suck enemies in, and wields a jewel to control creatures, a staff that traps enemies in bubbles, and a powerful wand. He also has a crystal ball he can look through, and the Triforce of Power as well. That's quite a bit, I think.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Capture Staff

He will pull out his capture staff and fire a bubble at his opponents, capturing them inside and carrying them backwards for a short time before popping.

Side B: Summon Chains

He will cast a spell at his enemies. Any character it hits will be suddenly rooted to a spot by chains around their wrists and ankles.

Up B: Teleport

Considering he likes doing it so much, yeah, he just disappears and reappears in a brand new spot.

Down B: Summon Enemy

He will summon either a Moblin, Goriya, or Stalfos from his jar, modeled after the cartoon version, which will run forward and attack anyone they come across before falling off the stage or running off the side.

Final Smash: Triforce of Power

He will hold up the Triforce of Power and unleash it's magic, blowing everyone back with a burst of fiery energy.

Entrance: He will teleport onto the stage.

Taunts: Up, he will hold up the Triforce and revel in its power. Side, he will peer into his crystal ball. Down, he will teleport three times in rapid succession.

Thanks for reading! Next up, an enemy type that has thus far been overlooked.

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