Saturday, November 12, 2022

Character Sheet: Water Monster


There's not much point to a big returning character review this time around, so let's cover the small handful of characters we were able to pull from the Legend of Zelda cartoon series created by DiC, and the few western comics published under the Zelda series banner. We have eleven to add, including:

1.     TV Link

2.     TV Zelda

3.     King Harkinian

4.     Queen Seline

5.     Roam

6.     Sing

7.     Doof & Automaton

8.     Sleezenose

9.     TV Ganon

10.  Goriya

11.  Water Monster

Today, we will finish off with a boss of sorts. In one episode, King Harkinian spends a lot of time and resources building a giant water park for the kingdom. Unfortunately, on opening day, the water seems to come alive and attack the visitors. Link and Zelda investigate and discover that the park had inadvertently being drawing water from a magic spring where Sprite's fairy clan lived. In response, the fairies enchanted the water to fight back against whoever was taking it.

The water takes on various shapes, like a humanoid figure, a snake, and a crab, grabbing guests with tentacles and dragging them beneath the surface, and flooding and splashing around everywhere. Thanks to the fairy magic in it, it could even shoot lightning at one point. I think we have more than enough to work with, so let's go.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Great Splash

The monster will surge forward and collapse into a big powerful splash, knocking its opponents back.

Side B: Crab Claw

It will take on the form of a giant crab, and snap forward with its giant pincers, crushing opponents between them.

Up B: Snake Rise

The water will rise up like a giant snake crossed with a water spout, before bursting at the top of its climb and raining back down, forming on the ground.

Down B: Tentacle

It will grab an opponent with a long tentacle of water and drag them inside itself, drowning them in its belly.

Final Smash: Flood

The Monster will grow big and massive, filling the entire background and then flooding the stage.

Entrance: Three fairies will surround a puddle and raise it up.

Taunts: Up, it will turn into a fountain with a couple of Hylian kids laughing on top of it. Side, the fairies controlling it will circle it merrily. Down, it will splash down into a contented puddle.

Thanks for reading! Now, let's put our new rosters together.

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