Friday, August 14, 2020

Character Sheet: Tippi & Pixls


Are you guys excited? I'm excited. You should be too. You know why? Cause today we get to cover all the freakin' amazing characters from Super Mario RPG and the Paper Mario (pre-TOK) series, and even the not so amazing ones too. Here's the full list:

1. Cheep Cheep
2. Bob-Omb
3. Spike
4. Tiny Mouser
5. Mouser
6. Paper Mario
7. Mr. L
8. Geno
9. Mallow
10. Flurrie
11. Tippi & Pixls
12. Kersti
13. Huey
14. Merlon
15. Star Spirits
16. Smithy
17. Kammy Koopa
18. Sir Grodus
19. Count Bleck
20. Dimentio
21. Yaridovich
22. Axem Rangers
23. Lord Crump
24. The Shadow Sirens
25. O'Chunks
26. Mimi
27. Croco
28. Booster
29. Jonathan Jones
30. Valentina
31. Jr. Troopa
32. Doopliss
33. Rawk Hawk
34. Francis
35. Culex

Today, let's cover what counts for companions in Super Paper Mario. Rather than fleshed out characters like in the previous games, you instead recruit a number of fairy-like beings called Pixls, each of whom can do pretty much one thing and one thing only. The only one with some depth is Tippi, or Lady Timpani, a human who was transformed into a pixl to save her from death by the wizard Merlon. In gameplay, you would pretty much play as Tippi, fluttering around the stage and using the other Pixls as your moves.

Your other Pixls who form the basic for your moveset include Thoreau, who can grab and throw (so, your obvious grab); Boomer, a bomb; Slim, who turns you sideways; Thudley, who gives you a butt bash; Carrie, who carries you around as a platform over hazardous terrain; Fleep, who can turn things around and reveal secrets; Cudge, a living hammer (probably a lot of your basic moves); Dottie, who shrinks you; Barry, a living barrier; Dashell, who makes you run fast; Piccolo, a music note that plays healing music; and Tiptron, a robotic replacement for Tippi after . . . ahem, spoilers happen. All of these would feature in the moveset in one way or another but only so many can be special moves.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Boomer
One of your most useful Pixls, it's only fitting he take his place as your standard special so that Kirby can place him down when he has cute little Tippi wings attached to his back. Basically, you could either throw Boomer and he'll explode on impact, or you can set him down and he'll explode a short time later.

Side B: Fleep
I went with Fleep for this one, as it would work well as a move reflector, similar to Mario and Dr. Mario's cape move. Basically, Fleep will flip anything directly in front of Tippi, turning it around, be it projectiles, items, or even opponents.

Up B: Carrie
Carrie will appear under Tippi and the other pixls and carry them higher into the air than they would normally go. This won't take them too high, but not all of them have to, right? Especially since Tippi would likely be pretty floaty already.

Down B: Barry
Barry will form a barrier around Tippi, with spikes that do damage to anyone that tries to come near her.

Final Smash: 3D Flip
So, remember how I suggested this for Paper Mario's moveset, alongside three others. Well, if we went for one of the others, this one would work well for Tippi and the Pixls, considering it is a Super Paper Mario specific gimmick, and they are the closest thing to a gimmick rep for this specific game.

Entrance: One of the doors from the game would draw itself, Tippi would come through, and then it would disappear by undrawing itself.

Taunts: The other Pixls would come out and circle around Tippi. One of the other Pixls would come out and play with Tippi. Piccolo would play some music. Of course, since Tippi is your "Tattle" function this time, a secret taunt wouldn't be out of place.

Thanks for reading! Next up, we'll cover your companion for Sticker Star, Kersti!

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