Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Character Sheet: Mallow


Are you guys excited? I'm excited. You should be too. You know why? Cause today we get to cover all the freakin' amazing characters from Super Mario RPG and the Paper Mario (pre-TOK) series, and even the not so amazing ones too. Here's the full list:

1. Cheep Cheep
2. Bob-Omb
3. Spike
4. Tiny Mouser
5. Mouser
6. Paper Mario
7. Mr. L
8. Geno
9. Mallow
10. Flurrie
11. Tippi & Pixls
12. Kersti
13. Huey
14. Merlon
15. Star Spirits
16. Smithy
17. Kammy Koopa
18. Sir Grodus
19. Count Bleck
20. Dimentio
21. Yaridovich
22. Axem Rangers
23. Lord Crump
24. The Shadow Sirens
25. O'Chunks
26. Mimi
27. Croco
28. Booster
29. Jonathan Jones
30. Valentina
31. Jr. Troopa
32. Doopliss
33. Rawk Hawk
34. Francis
35. Culex

Today, let's cover Mallow, the not-as-fondly remembered but still beloved companion from Super Mario RPG, Mallow. Mallow is your first companion in the game, a cloud boy raised by frogs who soon discovers his true heritage as the crowned prince of Nimbus Land. Almost all of his moves are weather-based, him being a cloud and all. These include Thunderbolt, a blast of lightning; HP Rain, a healing rain shower; Psychopath, basically the Goomba's tattle move; Shocker, a giant lightning bolt; Snowy, summoning a giant snowman to crush your enemies; and Star Rain, calling down a falling star to smash them. Outside of the special moves, Mallow generally uses cymbals or his grandfather's froggie stick as a weapon.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Shocker
Mallow will summon a giant lightning bolt that will shock opponents and stick in the ground for a short time, electrocuting anyone who touches it.

Side B: Cymbals
Basically, he will lash out with his two cymbals and clash an opponent between them. Other moves could work here, but this one felt the most right.

Up B: Snowy
I'm a little bit uncertain here, just because it technically doesn't give him any aerial movement in game, but I figure he would whip up a strong winter blizzard around him that would launch him up into the air, while leaving behind a snowman in his place. If not that, I would go with Sergeant Flutter the Paratroopa from the game, as he is used to get to Nimbus Land, Mallow's home.

Down B: HP Rain
Basically, Mallow would summon a rain cloud over his own head that would pour healing rain down upon him.

Final Smash: Star Rain
He would call down a star or a number of stars that would then bounce, doing more damage, as they do in the game. Snowy works well here as well, with Mallow just summoning a blizzard that ends with a giant snowman filling up the stage for a short time afterward.

Entrance: He falls from high above and faceplants when he lands.

Taunts: Floating out of his pants has to be a constant thing for his design. Smashing his cymbals. And of course, Psychopath is an option on Super Mario RPG-themed stages.

Thanks for reading! Next up, we'll cover the only Paper Mario companion who didn't quite fit into an enemy group, Flurrie!

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