Friday, May 22, 2020

Character Sheet: Lulu (Wario Ware)


Let's begin our character sheets for our Wario Ware characters. Although it felt a little touch and go there, with most gameplay not being tied to the characters themselves, each one did do enough across the nine games to warrant their inclusion, with the only one I really had to fudge a little being Mike. (At that point, with everyone else in, it just felt a little wrong to leave him out). Either way, here they are:

1. Wario
2. Biker Wario
3. Mona
4. Jimmy T.
5. Ashley & Red
6. 9-Volt
7. 18-Volt
8. 5-Volt
9. Kat and Ana
10. Young Cricket
10e. Master Mantis
11. Dribble & Spitz
12. Dr. Crygor
12e. Penny Crygor
13. Mike
14. Orbulon
15. Lulu

Today, let's finish things off with Lulu. Lulu was introduced in Wario Ware: Gold as a story-relevant character who didn't act as a host but rather an antagonist for Wario. She hails from Luxeville, where Wario stole the . . . ahem, toilet. After his theft, Lulu set out on a quest to take it back, proclaiming herself the hero of Luxeville. Throughout the game, we are treated to cutscenes of her preparing to take on Wario, culminating in a final boss battle with him.

Her moveset seems simple at first with her using a squirt gun and arrows as her main weapons and floating around on a balloon a few times. You might even toss in Ruffington, the dog she befriends in her cutscenes, but it still doesn't quite seem like enough, but then you remember the superpowers the toilet somehow gave Wario, including the ability to fly and throw lightning, and then you think she just might have a shot.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Squirt Gun
She will charge up her squirt gun and fire a blast of water across the stage at her opponents.

Side B: Bow and Arrow
This one will be based on the bow and arrow she uses to fight Wario, and will function much like Link's.

Up B: Balloon
A balloon will pop out and carry her up into the air, similar to Villager's own move.

Down B: Ruffington
Ruffington the dog will lunge out and latch himself onto the opponent's leg, growling and fighting to protect his new friend.

Final Smash: Treasure of Luxeville
She will place the golden toilet atop her head, which will give her all the powers granted to Wario during their boss fight. She will float into the air, start to glow, and shoot lightning from her hands at all of her opponents.

Entrance: Maybe just standing all tough and shouting "I'm gonna get you!"

Taunts: Hugging Ruffington, training her skills with a target, maybe dancing around like she needs to use the restroom, so on.

Thanks for reading! Now, let's put together our almost definitive Wario roster!

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