Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Character Sheet: Kat & Ana (Wario Ware)


Let's begin our character sheets for our Wario Ware characters. Although it felt a little touch and go there, with most gameplay not being tied to the characters themselves, each one did do enough across the nine games to warrant their inclusion, with the only one I really had to fudge a little being Mike. (At that point, with everyone else in, it just felt a little wrong to leave him out). Either way, here they are:

1. Wario
2. Biker Wario
3. Mona
4. Jimmy T.
5. Ashley & Red
6. 9-Volt
7. 18-Volt
8. 5-Volt
9. Kat and Ana
10. Young Cricket
10e. Master Mantis
11. Dribble & Spitz
12. Dr. Crygor
12e. Penny Crygor
13. Mike
14. Orbulon
15. Lulu

Kat and Ana are a pair of kindergarten-age ninjas determined to become master ninjas in the craft. Their stories tend to be the most action-oriented, with most of them involving them fighting a demon of some variety. They are also frequently joined by their pets Shuriken the Falcon, Shadow the Dog, and Numchuk the monkey. They are frequently seen wielding katanas, shurikens, and other stereotypical ninja items as weapons.

In Mega Microgames, the story sees Kat rushing to save her sister and a young prince from a demon named Boneheads. In Twisted, Kat accidentally angers a swarm of bees that chase them into a troll's lair. In Touched, they chase after Numchuk after he steals their bananas. Smooth Moves sees them defending their dojo from another demon, utilizing the powers of shadow clones and transformation in the process. In D.I.Y., they fly using capes, and in Game & Wario, they host a patchwork game. Finally, in Gold they enter an eating competition thinking it's a ninja test. Most of their microgames tend to be nature-based involving animals and plants of various kinds, as one can often see with their multitude of pets.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Ninja Star (Called such to avoid confusion with the later Up B)
Kat and Ana will throw shurikens in quick succession one after another as small projectiles. With the pair together, they will each throw one in succession, much as it works with the Ice Climbers, but if Ana has been KO'ed, then it will just be the one shuriken.

Side B: Beehive
This one is based largely on their Twisted story, with Kat batting a large beehive toward the opponents with a stick, which will then burst open and the bees will spill out and swarm the players.

Up B: Shuriken
Specifically referring to Shuriken the Falcon. Shuriken will appear and carry the girls high into the air, dropping them at which point they will pull out their capes from D.I.Y. and float gently to the ground. With Ana KO'd, Shuriken will fly slightly higher.

Down B: Transformation
This one is a counter move, with the girls using a slight clone jutsu to make duplicates of themselves. If hit, a puff of smoke will appear and Shadow and Numchuk will take the girls' places, attacking the opponent that hit them.

Final Smash: Katana!
Basically, their assist trophy from brawl. The two will shout "Katana!," high five each other, and then dash multiple times across the stage, slashing with their katanas as they do.

Entrance: A rice-paper curtain will appear and their shadows will appear behind it before it is moved aside.

Taunts: high-fiving each other, Ana sniffing a flower while Kat pokes her stick into a beehive, making patchwork and showing each other.

Thanks for reading! Next up, from two martial artists-in-training to one, it's Young Cricket!

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