Friday, May 22, 2020

Wario Series Roster, Updated


Now that we have the Wario Ware series done, we can make an almost officially complete Wario roster, with only one missing exception, a rather tall purple individual you might be familiar with. Without further ado however, I present to you, the roster:

1. Wario
2. Biker Wario
3. Captain Syrup
4. Mona
5. Jimmy T.
6. Ashley & Red
7. 9-Volt
8. 18-Volt
9. 5-Volt
10. Kat and Ana
11. Young Cricket
11e. Master Mantis
12. Dribble & Spitz
13. Doctor Crygor
13e. Penny Crygor
14. Mike
15. Orbulon
16. Lulu
17. Count Cannoli
18. Carpaccio
19. Terrormisu
20. The Shake King

Thanks for reading! Next up, let's head back to the Mario series and cover all of the side-character-specials, starting with Luigi's Mansion!

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