Saturday, May 16, 2020

Character Sheet: Dribble & Spitz (Wario Ware)


Let's begin our character sheets for our Wario Ware characters. Although it felt a little touch and go there, with most gameplay not being tied to the characters themselves, each one did do enough across the nine games to warrant their inclusion, with the only one I really had to fudge a little being Mike. (At that point, with everyone else in, it just felt a little wrong to leave him out). Either way, here they are:

1. Wario
2. Biker Wario
3. Mona
4. Jimmy T.
5. Ashley & Red
6. 9-Volt
7. 18-Volt
8. 5-Volt
9. Kat and Ana
10. Young Cricket
10e. Master Mantis
11. Dribble & Spitz
12. Dr. Crygor
12e. Penny Crygor
13. Mike
14. Orbulon
15. Lulu

Dribble and Spitz are a pair of long-standing employees of Wario Ware, Inc., a bulldog and a cat respectively who drive a taxicab together. Well, Dribble drives, Spitz . . . rides shotgun, I guess. Most of their stories feature them ferrying a passenger to their destination although most of the time with some kind of sci-fi twist to it. My concept for the pair is them driving around the stage in their taxi, much like Timber or the eventual Mario Kart character, with the pair leaning out the window to see what's going on.

In some of their first appearances, it was generally just the passenger that turned out to be sci-fi related, with the microgames passenger turning out to be a mermaid, and in the party games version and Smooth Moves, the passenger turns out to be an alien. In Twisted, their car breaks down, and after fixing it, it gains a rocket booster that lets them take off into space. Their Game & Wario entry features them driving around a farm, fending off an alien invasion with Spitz firing a rocket launcher from the window. This is also reminiscent of a few of their boss battles where they fly through bullet-hell style levels. Likewise, their Gold entry features them in a similar situation, trying to get home to Earth and using their Octoblazooka to fire laser beams at oncoming alien ships.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Rocket Launcher
Spitz will lean out of the window and pull out his rocket launcher, firing off projectiles at enemies. These can come in single or multiple shots.

Side B: Rocket Booster
Their rocket booster that lets them fly in space will fire up, letting them charge for a second before rocketing them forward at high speed, plowing through opponents. On occasion, the move will fail and their taxi will backfire, doing significant damage to those directly behind them.

A UFO will appear over their taxi and grab them with its tractor been. The UFO will then carry them up into the air for a little ways before dropping them.

Down B: Octoblazooka
The Octoblazooka from Gold will appear on top of their car, charge for a second, and fire off a straight blast of laser energy directly ahead of them.

Final Smash: Alien Invasion
Flying saucers will fly all over the stage, pelting it with laser fire and grabbing opponents in tractor beams to drag them away. While this is going on, Dribble and Spitz will switch to a first-person perspective and fire projectiles at the stage, adding to the chaos.

Entrance: Simply driving on in their taxi is fine.

Taunts: "Yeah, come on." Playing with the radio in their car. The car backfiring a bit. So on.

Thanks for reading! Next up, we'll cover the mad scientist, Doctor Crygor!

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