Saturday, May 9, 2020

Character Sheet: 9-Volt (Wario Ware)


Let's begin our character sheets for our Wario Ware characters. Although it felt a little touch and go there, with most gameplay not being tied to the characters themselves, each one did do enough across the nine games to warrant their inclusion, with the only one I really had to fudge a little being Mike. (At that point, with everyone else in, it just felt a little wrong to leave him out). Either way, here they are:

1. Wario
2. Biker Wario
3. Mona
4. Jimmy T.
5. Ashley & Red
6. 9-Volt
7. 18-Volt
8. 5-Volt
9. Kat and Ana
10. Young Cricket
10e. Master Mantis
11. Dribble & Spitz
12. Dr. Crygor
12e. Penny Crygor
13. Mike
14. Orbulon
15. Lulu

It probably would have been quite easy to lump 9-Volt, his best friend 18-Volt, and his mother 5-Volt all into the same category, as their games are built on the same premise: Nintendo throwbacks. Every microgame was based on an old Nintendo game. Even their stories are fairly simple most of the time, with 9-Volt playing video games, inviting 18-Volt over to play video games, getting in a fight with 18-Volt over video games, trying to play video games late at night and hide it from his mom. The kid likes what he likes, what can I say. But, given the sheer amount of references to old games spanning nearly all of Nintendo's library, I would say it's perfectly easy to spread the references out fairly easily between all three and still have wiggle room to spare, wouldn't you?

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Light Gun
Based on the old Nintendo peripheral and the games that came with it, including Hogan's Alley, Wild Gunman, and Duck Hunt, all three of which appear frequently in 9-Volt's personal gamesets. 9-Volt will pull out the gun and fire it. Pretty simple as that.

Side B: Hoverboard
This one is based entirely on 9-Volt's personal story modes, with his hoverboard being a frequent items used to get around town. He will hop on his hoverboard and zip around the stage, with his movements being quick and fluid.

Up B: Space Invaders
This one is based on another common game to show up in his gamesets. One of the aliens from the game will emerge and carry him upward, all while he holds the ship from the game and shoots tiny lasers at the opponents below.

Down B: Amiibo
9-Volt will pull out his gamepad and tap one of five Amiibos to it, which will summon an 8-bit version of the respective character with varying effects. Among them will be: Balloon Fighter, which will float around and bounce on opponents heads; Link, which will hold out his shield to protect 9-Volt and stab anyone who comes near; Oil Panic, who will trip and spill his oil across the stage, causing a slipping hazard; F-Zero, summoning the blue falcon which will race across the stage at lightning speed; and Pit, who will hop around shooting little arrows at opponents.

Final Smash: Super Mario Bros.
This is based on the Super Mario Bros. circular levels that appear in several of 9-Volt's games in the series. All of the characters will be taken into a cutscene, where an 8-Bit Mario will hop around the circular level, with the characters stuck in the place of the Goombas, and will be KOed if Mario stomps on them.

Entrance: Scratching the beat on his DJ setup.

Taunts: "Alright," sitting down and playing on his gameboy, DJing a little bit.

Thanks for reading! Next time, we'll cover his best friend, 18-Volt!

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