Thursday, May 7, 2020

Character Sheet: Jimmy T. (Wario Ware)


Let's begin our character sheets for our Wario Ware characters. Although it felt a little touch and go there, with most gameplay not being tied to the characters themselves, each one did do enough across the nine games to warrant their inclusion, with the only one I really had to fudge a little being Mike. (At that point, with everyone else in, it just felt a little wrong to leave him out). Either way, here they are:

1. Wario
2. Biker Wario
3. Mona
4. Jimmy T.
5. Ashley & Red
6. 9-Volt
7. 18-Volt
8. 5-Volt
9. Kat and Ana
10. Young Cricket
10e. Master Mantis
11. Dribble & Spitz
12. Dr. Crygor
12e. Penny Crygor
13. Mike
14. Orbulon
15. Lulu

Jimmy T., or Jimmy Thang, is another employee of Wario Ware Inc. and often the one in charge of the remix segments of the games, either him or his various family members, including Mama T., Papa T., James T., Jamie T., and Jimmy P. This character slot technically represents all of them, as they will appear as most of the color swaps, but Jimmy will take the top spot and the two remaining slots. He's a cool dude with a rockin' blue afro and can often be seen kicking it at the local nightclub Club Sugar.

His stories are often fairly basic, with him dancing at a nightclub and that's about it. In Twisted, he learns the art of taking selfies, while in Touched, he gets bugs in his fro and has to scratch them out. In Smooth Moves, he gives an umbrella to a cat, resulting in him getting a group of cat followers. His connection to cats is further cemented by Gold, where he gets a cat stuck in his hair. In D.I.Y., he becomes an aerobics instructor, and in Game & Wario, he goes skiing himself. In general, many of his moves will be based on disco or aerobics as that's kind of the be-all-end-all of the character. Strangely, a large number of his microgames are sports related, including his skiing from before, but also jumping hurdles, playing basketball, skateboarding, bouncing on a trampoline, boxing, and throwing a medicine ball are all frequent motifs that show up for the character. Honestly, he may be one of those with more moves based on his microgames than many of the others. Let's see what we can do!

Here's the moveset I came up with (most of his Smash and other standard moves and so on will also be based on actual disco, aerobics, and sports moves):

Standard B: Selfie
Jimmy will spin dramatically, doing some damage, before stopping and posing to take a selfie. The camera flash will stun anyone standing behind him.

Side B: Hurdle
Jimmy will make a skiing motion quickly to the right before making a jump. A hurdle will appear behind him after he makes the jump, tripping up anyone heading his way. This is based mostly on his most common sports motifs.

Up B: Trampoline
Small trampolines appear often throughout the Wario Ware series, used by Jimmy, but also by Wario and other characters. Really, who better to represent them. Jimmy will bounce on the trampoline, launching himself into the air and posing dramatically with each jump.

Down B: Protect the Cat
This is a bit of a counter move, based on the frequently seen microgame of having to protect a cat from the rain, and hearkens back to Jimmy's own storyline in which he does just that. A small cat will pop out in front of Jimmy and he will protect it with an umbrella. If an attack lands on said umbrella, the cat will swipe back at the character.

Final Smash: Disco Party
This one will be a bit cinematic, as neon disco lights will flash around and Jimmy, possibly accompanied by his family and cats, will put on the performance of a lifetime, at the end of which any characters hit will be sent flying as the crowds cheer.

Entrance: I imagine Jimmy would just walk on stage all cool-like.

Taunts: This man lives for taunts. Honestly, take your pick. You won't go wrong.

Thanks for reading! Next up, you better learn her name, because it's ASHLEY!

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