Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Character Sheet: Rune


And here's all the characters that I gave a definitive YES to during my second chance round. They are:

1.       Fierce Deity Link

2.       Kalin

3.       Darbus

4.       Ralis

5.       Gulley

6.       Osfala

7.       Irene

8.       Rosso

9.       Queen Oren

10.   Paya

11.   Rune

12.   Kanan

13.   Talon

14.   Ingo

15.   Gwonam

16.   Tetra’s Crew

17.   Kokiri

18.   Goron

19.   Zora

20.   Rito

21.   Korok

22.   Gerudo

23.   Stalchildren

24.   Ganon Blight

Rune comes from the Mishouzaki manga, you know, the one where Link and Zelda are secretly siblings because his dad and her mom committed the unpardonable sin of . . . interracial sex, and thus summoned an all-powerful demon from hell to punish them. Yeah. Anyway, Rune is Link's dad, so the said elven human-diddler. I have decided to include him as a gimmick rep, since "Manga Link" covers all of the mangas, while this one was just weird enough to warrant it's own moveset.

Here is her moveset:

Standard B: White Sword

He will draw Link's ridiculous giant wedge-shaped sword from this game and stab forward with it, doing a lot of damage.

Side B: Hyper Magic Sword

He will pull out his son's second sword, the Hyper Magic Sword, and use it to blast a burst of lightning across the stage.

Up B: Elven Leap

Elves can jump very high in this, so that's what he's going to do.

Down B: Healing Fairies

The fairies of his sister Kanan will surround him and heal him a little. They can also be sent out to heal allies.

Final Smash: Demon Ganon

The big scary demon that Rune summoned via horniness will appear, cause the stage to go dark, and then impale the nearest opponent.

Entrance: He will rise from behind a bush, adjusting his tunic.

Taunts: Up, he will raise the White Sword high. Side, he will rub the back of his head and look sheepish. Down, he will crouch and peek out over some shrubbery.

Kirby Hat: His blonde hair.

Kart: Based on his own sword.

Special Move: He will thrust out with his White Sword, which will act as an obstacle for anyone coming up behind it.

Spirit Battle: On Ganon's Statue, with Kanan.

Victory Screen: He will stand tall with the White Sword and look heroic.

Losing Screen: He will be impaled by Ganon's tusk and fall to the ground.

Color Swaps: All based on Manga Link's own.

Thanks for reading! Up next, Kanan fulfills her brother's legacy.

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