Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Character Sheet: Kanan


And here's all the characters that I gave a definitive YES to during my second chance round. They are:

1.       Fierce Deity Link

2.       Kalin

3.       Darbus

4.       Ralis

5.       Gulley

6.       Osfala

7.       Irene

8.       Rosso

9.       Queen Oren

10.   Paya

11.   Rune

12.   Kanan

13.   Talon

14.   Ingo

15.   Gwonam

16.   Tetra’s Crew

17.   Kokiri

18.   Goron

19.   Zora

20.   Rito

21.   Korok

22.   Gerudo

23.   Stalchildren

24.   Ganon Blight

Kanan comes from the same manga as Rune and is Link's aunt, Rune's sister, who appears to him and teaches him in the ways of elves and magic, acting as a recurring supporting character throughout both series.

Here is her moveset:

Standard B: White Sword

She will probably have a bit less raw power behind it.

Side B: Hyper Magic Sword

Being more of a magic user, this move will pack a lot more punch.

Up B: Elven Leap

She will jump much higher.

Down B: Healing Fairies

These will have substantially more healing power.

Final Smash: Demon Ganon

Same. It'll just hit a little less powerfully.

Entrance: She will land in a hero pose and rise with her fairies around her.

Taunts: Up, her fairies will swirl around her. Side, she will hold out her hand and play with one of her fairies. Down, she will crouch and look around.

Kirby Hat: Her long hair.

Kart: Based on her fairies.

Special Move: Her fairies will fly around her, with one of them fluttering off to help her opponents recover faster if she passes someone who's been hit.

Spirit Battle: On Ganon's Statue, with Link.

Victory Screen: She will hold out her arms and her fairies will flutter happily.

Losing Screen: She will be surrounded by darkness and fall.

Color Swaps: All based on her brother's.

Thanks for reading! Up next, Talon gets to work.

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