Friday, December 22, 2023

Character Sheet: Rosso


And here's all the characters that I gave a definitive YES to during my second chance round. They are:

1.       Fierce Deity Link

2.       Kalin

3.       Darbus

4.       Ralis

5.       Gulley

6.       Osfala

7.       Irene

8.       Rosso

9.       Queen Oren

10.   Paya

11.   Rune

12.   Kanan

13.   Talon

14.   Ingo

15.   Gwonam

16.   Tetra’s Crew

17.   Kokiri

18.   Goron

19.   Zora

20.   Rito

21.   Korok

22.   Gerudo

23.   Stalchildren

24.   Ganon Blight

As of my last checking, the poll was split fifty-fifty, so I'm going with my gut instinct. Yunobo, it is! Rosso is the main Goron character appearing in Link Between Worlds, a miner who turns out to be one of the seven sages.

Here is his moveset:

Standard B: Rocket Fist

Probably a little stronger as he appears older.

Side B: Double Slap

Also with a bit more punch to it.

Up B: Goron Cannon

Probably do something like a mineshaft instead of a cannon.

Down B: Rock Roast

It will be a chunk of ore he digs out of his mine.

Final Smash: Sage of Fire

Similar to the others, he will use his sage powers.

Entrance: He will work in his mine, wipe his forehead, and turn around.

Taunts: Up, he will raise a lantern and look around. Side, he will pick at some rock with his pickax. Down, he will sit and rest against a minecart.

Kirby Hat: His funky topknot thing.

Kart: A minecart from this game.

Special Move: He will use his axe to pick at the road beneath him and unearth a few coins.

Spirit Battle: On Lorule Castle.

Victory Screen: He will look over a minecart full of rupees.

Losing Screen: His portrait will hang in Lorule Castle.

Color Swaps: Red hair, blue hair, black hair, green hair, white hair, yellow hair, purple hair, brown hair.

Thanks for reading! Up next, Queen Oren makes a splash.

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