Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Legend of Zelda Second Chance Round (Part VI)



Next, we have Birina, who shows up a bit into the Zelda II adaptation by Ran Maru, a girl from a local village who seems set up as the female version of Biri, Link and Zelda's long-running companion. She doesn't have too much of a role beyond that, not even engaging in the various battles Biri's a part of, so in the end, I think I'm going to say:


Next up, we have Link's father Rune from the Mishouzaki manga (the weird one where Link and Zelda are brother and sister and don't know it), as well as Rune's sister Kanan, each of which could be an echo of Manga Link, but also technically, they could just inherit the specific moveset of this Link specifically, and be echoes of each other, so I say:


Then we have Morshu and Gwonam, both of whom I entertained, partially because it was requested, but also because King Harkinian, who represents these games, does at least have room for an echo. Now, we all love Morshu for the memes, but the thing putting it in Gwonam's favor is that Gwonam is an actual main supporting character of the games, while Morshu is just one of over a dozen shopkeepers in the game you can interact with, and is literally just the one the internet gravitated toward. So, sorry, Morshu, but Gwonam takes it.

NO, then


Tomorrow, we have a couple of commented requests, and then we'll be done and we can do some character sheets!

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