Monday, December 4, 2023

Character Sheet: Phantom Ganon


Now, let us go through and cover all characters now added thanks to their appearance in Tears of the Kingdom, either newcomers or old characters given more to work with, and at least one that got added through association. They are:

1. Tulin

2. Mineru

3. Purah

4. Rauru

5. Sonia

6. Zonai Construct

7. Gibdo

8. ReDead

9. Gleeok

10. Phantom Ganon

Phantom Ganon has been a recurring trope throughout the Zelda series since all the way back in Ocarina of Time, often as a miniboss summoned by Ganondorf to fight Link at the end of one of the dungeons. It is also very well known for being the "tennis boss" as the structure of many of its boss fights feature it lobbing a ball of energy at the player, with the player reflecting it back multiple times. In Tears of the Kingdom, it was tied in more specifically with the Gloom Hands, acting as the boss of Gloom's Lair, wielding a sword, creating duplicates, and warping around, so I think we have enough to work with here.

Here is the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Energy Orb

Based on the most famous of attacks, Phantom Ganon will charge up an energy orb and throw it. The orb can be blocked with a shield, which the phantom can then knock back with a second press.

Side B: Duplicate

The phantom will create duplicates of itself for a second, which will then be able to take hits coming its way, and disappear immediately.

Up B: Warp

We could just have the floating, but considering Ocarina's version had it too, we'll have the phantom warp, stepping into a magic portal and appearing somewhere else.

Down B: Gloom Hands

The phantom will spread out gloom underneath its feet, with hands emerging from it to grab other players.

Final Smash: Puppet Ganon

The Puppet Ganon boss from Wind Waker will appear on the stage, slam down, then spin around a lot, smacking players off the stage.

Entrance: The phantom will ride in on its horse out of a painting.

Taunts: Up, the Phantom will float up and raise its sword. Side, it will sweep back and forth for a second. Down, it will fall down to one knee like its been hit.

Kirby Hat: The dark helmet it tends to wear.

Kart: Its horse.

Special Move: It will fire an energy orb, that can be reflected back, but it can also reflect it back. (Or maybe a simpler form would be "it can deflect items back at other players")

Spirit Battle: A one-on-one battle on The Great Deku Tree.

Victory Screen: It will raise its sword and laugh evilly as Gloom spreads.

Losing Screen: It will fall down to one knee, burn up, and disappear.

Color Swaps: Ocarina version, Ocarina 3D version, Wind Waker version, Four Swords version, Tears version, and alternate colors for Ocarina, Wind Waker, and Tears.

Thanks for reading! Next up, we have a second chance round to work through!

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