Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Character Sheet: Ezlo


Today, we begin a new round of character sheets, all primarily appearing in the 2D titles from Oracles to Tri Force Heroes. We have quite a few, though not as many as the 3D titles. Among them are:

1. Four Links

2. Ravio

3. Princess Hilda

4. Toon Zelda

5. Din

6. Nayru

7. Ezlo

8. Minish/Picori

9. Linebeck

10. Oshus & Ciela

11. Ralph

12. Alfonzo

13. Madame Couture

14. Subrosian

15. Onox

16. Veran

17. Vaati

18. Bellum

19. Chancellor Cole & Malladus

20. Yuga

21. Lady Maud

22. Byrne

Today, let's cover Ezlo, Link's companion and talking hat from Minish Cap, a former Minish sage transformed by his apprentice Vaati. Ezlo does have a canon Minish appearance, though his appearance as the hat is much more iconic, so we could easily have him appear in either form as a character. I was originally going to have him be the main Minish representative, but then I considered that the Minish themselves could act as an echo or a semi-clone (we'll see for sure which tomorrow).

Ezlo: gust jar, Cane of Pacci, mole mitts, flame lantern, Ocarina of Winds, shrink, grow, elastic mushrooms, updrafts, parachute, magic cap

First and most importantly is all of the Minish-specific stuff, things like shrinking down to minuscule size or growing to the size of a regular Hylian, elastic mushrooms that can launch players places, and small updrafts they can use to get high up, and leaves they can use as parachutes (or Ezlo's hat body for this instance). Ezlo can also act as a gimmick rep, given his role as Link's companion, giving him access to the gust jar, the Cane of Pacci that will flip anything around, the mole mitts, a flame lantern, and the Ocarina of Winds. Let's see what we can do with all that.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Cane of Pacci

This will be a sort of reflector move. He will wield the cane and cast a spell which will flip around any opponent it hits or turn any projectile back the way it came.

Side B: Elastic Mushroom

Ezlo will pull back on a mushroom and launch himself forward at top speed as his own form of projectile.

Up B: Updraft

An updraft will appear under his brim and blow him upward, his felt body expanding like a parachute to carry him high.

Down B: Shrink

A cracked pot will appear beneath his brim and he will shrink down through it, allowing him to be nearly untouchable for a while. A second press will restore his size.

Final Smash: Size of the Minish

Everyone on the stage will be hit with a shrinking spell, shrinking them down to miniature size and leaving Ezlo open to attack them all in their weakened state.

Entrance: He will appear from a cracked pot.

Taunts: Up, he will work some magic and create a magical hat floating in the air. Side, he will return to his Minish self (if full-time hat form) and brush off his sleeves. Down, he will hop up and down as if raging.

Thanks for reading! Next up, Ezlo's people, the Picori!

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