Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Character Sheet: Chancellor Cole & Malladus


Today, we begin a new round of character sheets, all primarily appearing in the 2D titles from Oracles to Tri Force Heroes. We have quite a few, though not as many as the 3D titles. Among them are:

1. Four Links

2. Ravio

3. Princess Hilda

4. Toon Zelda

5. Din

6. Nayru

7. Ezlo

8. Minish/Picori

9. Linebeck

10. Oshus & Ciela

11. Ralph

12. Alfonzo

13. Madame Couture

14. Subrosian

15. Onox

16. Veran

17. Vaati

18. Bellum

19. Chancellor Cole & Malladus

20. Yuga

21. Lady Maud

22. Byrne

So, this one's not Ganon, but it's basically Ganon. An ancient evil pig demon sealed away with a minion trying to resurrect him, except Ganondorf was canonically dead in this timeline (and this was around the time they were getting flack for pushing Ganon into every story), so they made a not-Ganon Ganon. Malladus is said pig demon, and Chancellor Cole is an imp serving Malladus who acts as Zelda's royal advisor while secretly plotting against her. Between the two of them, there's not quite enough for a full moveset, but in the end Malladus is forced to possess Cole's body, so I figure we can have Cole running around as the player with elements of Malladus emerging here and there.

Between the two of them, we see them float in mid-air, possess people's bodies and remove their souls from them, cast dark spells, summon lightning bugs, fire laser beams, throw destruction orbs, and breathe meteor breath. I would say that that's more than enough, so let's do this thing!

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Dark Spell

Cole will cast a spell of dark magic forward as a projectile, mostly based on the move from his and Possessed Zelda's boss fight.

Side B: Meteor Breath

Cole's head will mutate into Malladus's and he will breath the demon's meteor breath in a destructive beam directly in front of him.

Up B: Float

Cole will spin up lightly into the air, floating as he is often wont to do throughout the game.

Down B: Soul Removal

He will hold out his hand with dark magic on his fingers. Anyone caught by it will be trapped there as he pulls their soul from their body. If they can't break free in the first couple seconds, their soul will be torn from their body, leaving the body lying motionless on the ground with their spirit able to move around freely but unable to touch anything. They can return to their body after a short time.

Final Smash: Malladus and the Demon Train

This will be similar to the Beast Ganon final smash Ganondorf currently uses. Cole will transform into Malladus and slam on the ground, but the moment he does so, the Demon Train will barrel through the stage, crashing into anyone in its path.

Entrance: Cole will strut onto the stage, then sweep off his hats and laugh evilly.

Taunts: Up, Cole will flourish his hats off his head and reveal his horns. Side, Cole will strut around like he does when you first meet him. Down, Cole will cast some magic over Zelda's soulless body.

Thanks for reading! Next up, Yuga of A Link Between Worlds fame.

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