Friday, October 22, 2021

Character Sheet: Herman Smirch


Now that we're finished with the western comics of the Mario series, let's go through and cover our assorted newcomers. We have four this time, one appearing in the regular Mario roster, the other three in the multimedia roster. They are:

1. Pionpi

2. Mushroom King

3. Herman Smirch

4. Dirk Drain-Head

Today, let's cover a weird little corner of the Mario series with Herman Smirch. Herman Smirch is a regular human from the real world who works minimum wage at a video game store. His dark and selfish heart allowed him to be used as a conduit for Tatanga and his forces to be released from the Game Boy he stole from the store. He would go on to be a hapless stooge for Tatanga's schemes, trying to escape them at first, but eventually pledging his loyalty to the alien to help him conquer the rest of the world.

He doesn't do that much throughout the series, but just enough to get by with a moveset. First of all is the game boy he stole that acts as a portal between the real world and the video game world. He also has a flying car souped up by his video game allies, and he generally tends to pull off cowardly strikes typically in an attempt to get himself out of trouble.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Game Boy

He will hold out the Game Boy portal he stole, the face glowing and producing one of an assortment of enemies from Super Mario Land, shrunken down to miniature size, which will then attack.

Side B: Cookie Sheet

One lucky strike he got off on Mario during the series came in the first volume, when Mario was about to charge Tatanga only for Smirch to strike him with a cookie sheet and send him flying. This will act as a deflector move for projectiles.

Up B: Flying Car

His car will appear around him and lurch upward into the sky with a rev and a screech, smacking into opponents with the force of, well, a car. He will drop out of it after a short distance.

Down B: Game Return

This will be the reverse of his Standard B, with him holding up the Game Boy and having it trap any character or item become trapped inside it for a short time.

Final Smash: Armies of Tatanga

Basically identical to Pionpi's, except his looks a bit less intentional, with the Game Boy simply springing to life in his hand and making him stumble backwards as it releases the flood of enemies.

Entrance: He will saunter on, looking put out that someone actually expected him to be here at all.

Taunts: Up, he will rub the back of his neck in frustration. Side, he will look over the Game Boy in his hand, trying to figure out how to play it. Down, he will stuff the Game Boy inside his coat and look around suspiciously.

Thanks for reading! Next, we'll finish off with Mario's plumbing hero (his third), Dirk Drain-Head!

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