Thursday, October 14, 2021

Nintendo Comics System


Today, let's go over the series of comics published by Valiant comics under the Nintendo Comics System name. These comics ran from 1990 to 1991 and mostly seemed to be based within the same world as the Super Mario Bros. Super Show! with Mario, Luigi, Princess Peach, Toad, and King Koopa all mostly having the same designs as the show, and many of the enemy characters being Super Mario Bros. 2 enemies.

The most notable feature of the series is a set of original recurring characters. First off, we may have one of the only actually prominent appearances of Peach's father, the Mushroom King. Apparently, he is an idiot so incompetent, Peach has to do all the running of the kingdom herself. Across the line of comics, we see him drive a go-kart, inflate a portable throne, use a magic wand, get turned into a dog and a chameleon, wield a "Sacred Cylinder of Cheese," use a Green Gecko Gem to project a force field, plant a garden full of sizeable plants, and fall asleep of a mattress of clouds that then generates a thunderstorm from his snores. He also has a faithful butler named Wooster and a living alarm clock named Stopwatch.

Another important character is Dirk Drain-Head, Mario's favorite comic book superhero, who is also a plumber. Don't ask me if he's ever had a crossover with Mighty Plumber. They never said. Dirk uses a plunger and wrench to fight his battles, like the other plumbing heroes of this world, and likewise uses a bedsheet as a cape and has a teenage sidekick named Snakey. He also has a nemesis in Pipe Ooze and his henchman Muck. Finally, we have Stanley the Talking Fish, who mostly just talks a lot as far as I can tell.

Anyway, here's what we've got so far:




Princess Peach





Mushroom King: go-kart, portable throne, magic wand, dog, chameleon, "Sacred Cylinder of Cheese," Green Gecko Gem, garden, mattress of clouds, Wooster, Stopwatch

Dirk Drain-Head: wrench, plunger, cape, Snakey, Pipe Ooze, Muck

Stanley the Talking Fish

Friendly Floyd: salesman, items


Super Mario World locations

Thanks for reading! Next up, the Club Nintendo comics!

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